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Friday, October 9, 2009

Sex: The Missing Link

The importance of Sex in a marriage or relationship can not be over-emphasized, many problems in today marriages have their origin from lack of satisfying sexual experience, this problem is often not mentioned during quarrels and that is why many people even the concerned parties never come to the realization that the root of their constant bickering, quarrels, lack of affection are as a result of being deprived of sex or to be more precise being deprived of satisfying sexual enjoyment.

The reason behind this may be due to lack of technical know how of the techniques that ensure a satisfying sexual experience, as a Psycho-sexual marriage Consultant, I have come to discover that sex or lack of it is most of the time directly or indirectly responsible for quarrels and the ultimate breaking up of marriages today, it is most of the time the bone of contention between many couples both married and unmarried.

As a Psycho-sexual marriage Consultant my major concern is for couples to have the best in their marital experiences and that is why I have dedicated my time to providing solutions to problems that are Psycho-sexual related as well as prescribing the right antidotes for diseases that are sexually transmitted in order to enable the couples out there to tap in the Satisfaction, the Glamour, Splendor, Colour and fulfillment that are inherent in a good, sexually active marriages and relationships, and that is why I encourage anybody whit any Psycho-sexual related problems to feel free to mail me for free email consultation and expert advice prescriptions.

Now have you ever paused and think on why an husband will abandon a beautiful wife at home-or even beat her up-and the same husband will spend a fortune on another woman out there, prefers her company and always finding warm and solace in her bosom, the answer is so obvious but the wife either will not accept it or fail to recognize it, and the simple fact is that the woman out there know how to satisfy the husband, know the technique of romance, know how to fan his ego And make him feel like a real man, and if you as a wife fails recognize this and make timely corrections you will sooner or latter loss your man and your marriage to the other woman.

Let us have a look from another angle, what will make the wife of a rich millionaire who have everything money can buy (notice the phrase), bring herself so low as to start sleeping with the Gardener employed by her rich husband? The answer here too is very obvious, this true life experience happened to one of my online client and when I ask her WHY? She simply replied, that her husband "WASN'T MAN ENOUGH FOR ME" the rich husband was a total flop in bed , he doesn't know anything about satisfying a woman in bed, erroneously thinking that his millions will fix everything but fails to realize that money can not fix emotions and desires.

Now to avoid situations such as these ensure you mail me for free email consultations and a booking for my soon to be release book titled "The Acts of Love Making".

For natural sex enhancer products visit:

or virilityex

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